Another year...

May 19, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

As the end of the 2013-2014 school year comes approaches, I thought I would once again, try to put my thoughts into words.  It has been another busy year, one that passed all too quickly.  As parents, I think we can all agree that it is amazing to see our babies grow into these young people and marvel at how wonderful they are, and how quickly they have grown up.  

I spent the year photographing many, many events for Staley Middle School and Frisco High School.  Over a hundred and sixty galleries and forty thousand pictures and counting.  That is a lot of events--and I enjoyed each and every one.  I am so fortunate to be asked to be on the sidelines or field to photograph these outstanding young men and women at these two schools.  I am very blessed to be associated, not only with these two schools, but the entire Frisco district.  This is a district full of gifted athletes, dedicated and caring coaches, and fabulous parents.  I love seeing the interaction of team mates, coaches, and even players from opposing teams.  Frisco has that small town feel, where every one seems to know each other.  I have seen the friendships between players from "rival" schools, I have seen them cheer each other on, and hug each other after games, no matter who wins, it heart warming to see. I love seeing our "Staley" kids interact after they have gone on to the different high schools. 

I love photographing sports--the action, the emotion.  I love capturing that split second of the ball in the air, the player making the play--the catches, hits and touchdowns of football, the player breaking through the line; going up for the catch; making the hit to stop the play.  The hits, blocks and spikes of volleyball.  The kicks, headers, goals and saves of soccer.  The all out speed of sprints in track, the endurance of cross country, and the jumps of the field events.  I love the intensity of the play, the emotions of the game.  I love catching that micro second of the play--a moment of success for the player.  I love capturing that all to fleeting moment in these young athletes lives.

The best part, my favorite part of photographing sports is getting to know and interacting with these fabulous young men and ladies. I LOVE it!!  I Love meeting the parents, I may not have otherwise had the opportunity to meet.  I am so blessed to meet awesome students, coaches, and parents.

So many events, so many memories--some of my favorite moments of the year have to do with the emotion of the game, not necessarily the final score or outcome.  Although, I ALWAYS want Staley and Frisco to win, as these two schools have my heart. Through every moment of every game, match, meet and event, I am emotionally invested.  I love capturing the emotion, of the game because that is what we feel, what we remember.  It is what I am feeling, what every parent, coach and player is feeling.  I have been know to shed a tears on the sidelines: for the intensity, the excitement, the joy, and the heartbreak.  I said it last year, and it remains true--I have loved every single moment and would do it again in a heartbeat.  

Once again, I wish I could have captured more--more Staley girl's volleyball, basketball and soccer.  More Frisco High School events--softball, boy's soccer and basketball.  As a parent, I know I have loved watching my children play.  It has been an emotional year, as my son has finished up his career at Staley, so I experienced a lot of those "last" moments, as he will not play all those sports as he moves on to high school.  I have loved capturing moments during his athletic events, as well as my daughter's at Frisco High.  These are special moments that I will forever treasure.  I hope that I have been able to capture some special moments for other parents.  A heartfelt thank you to all the coaches who alway making me feel welcome.

To the Frisco High School and Staley Middle School athletes, it is an honor and privilege to watch, photograph and get to know you, you are all awesome and have made my year absolutely fabulous.  

To the Staley 8th graders-- I will miss seeing you all the time, but wish you the best of luck as you move on to high school and will always be cheering for you. 

To the Staley 7th graders--I look forward to seeing you all next year!

To all the parents, you have fabulous kids, they impress and amaze me, you should all be so very proud.  Thank you for all your support and patience.  I promise to continue to work on all the sports photos and get them posted up to the galleries.  

Thanks for the memories!!



Some "moments" during this amazing year:  


Frisco High School Cross Country

Watching my daughter come back from an injury and have a fantastic cross country season. 

Watching and cheering on these dedicated young ladies.  I love this team!!

Cheering on and watching this young lady get a medal in a cross country meet!

Love these girls!!

Watching these young men win Regionals!!

The Frisco High School Volleyball team win their first game in their new gym.

Frisco JV's win over Wakeland JV-one of the best volleyball games I have ever watched.

Staley Volleyball!!

Staley Mustang 7th Grade football.  Loved getting to know these boys and their parents!!

Staley Mustang 8th Grade Football

Watching (and capturing ) my son's interception!! Proud mom moment!!

This awesome effort!!

An amazing last second win over Pioneer!

This young lady--the first young lady to grace the football team-and she rocked it!

An awesome play to stop Hunt from scoring and preserve a tie.

The last huddle for the 8th Grade White Team!

The last huddle for the 8th grade Blue team!

The Staley Cheerleaders--love you girls!!

The Frisco Stars--It has been absolutely wonderful watch and get to know these very talented young ladies.  I am so happy to be down there on the field with them.


Frisco Football

The pre-game hype-love it!

Love this picture!!

And this one--Such a HUGE moment in Frisco's playoff win and l love that I capture it!

Staley Basketball--Some incredible wins by both the boys and girls teams!!  Love the excitement of the team!

An awesome three point shot to give Staley the win!!


Frisco High School Soccer--Seeing Katie Score two goals in one game!! Proud mom moment!

Love this!!

Love these two!!

The Frisco High Varsity girls pre-game huddle!! Love it!

Our "Staley" Girls!!

Frisco vs. Wakeland game 2-Celebration!!

Frisco High Girls Varsity Soccer

Staley Middle School Track

Frisco High School Track--Love these girls!!

Staley Soccer--


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